
哔哩哔哩   2023-06-13 11:52:34


中文:白色娃娃身穿白色连衣裙,头上戴着一朵白色花,手拿着一个白色小提琴,站在古堡前,阳光从背后照射,照亮了她的脸庞和连衣裙上的细节。摄影师采用古风宫廷风格的摄影技术和HDR技术,呈现出一幅华丽而又神秘的画面,彰显出白色娃娃的高贵与神秘。--v 5.1 --ar 2:3

英文:The white doll wears a white dress, with a white flower on her head and a white violin in her hand. She stands in front of an ancient castle, with sunlight shining from behind, illuminating her face and the details on her dress. The photographer uses ancient court-style photography technology and HDR technology to present a gorgeous and mysterious picture, showcasing the nobility and mystery of the white doll. --v 5.1 --ar 2:3

AI绘画测试:小狸猫,模型:人物模型(基础),风格:# 淡妆(0.5),比例:1:1
